Summer School in England
Learn in a safe, fun-filled environment
What will you do this summer?

CELS LOGO W5000pxChichester College Summer School FAQ

More than just a language school!

UK Summer School Questions

Are you thinking of joining us for a summer of learning & fun? Find answers to your questions here.

Are all meals provided?

Can parents/guardians visit children during their stay?

Do I need to buy insurance cover for my child?

How about specific dietary requirements?

How much pocket money will my child need?

Is it possible to only book English lessons during the summer?

Is my child’s language level sufficient for their chosen course?

Is there a curfew for students under 18?

Should my child bring a laptop, expensive camera, or any valuables?

We are from a non-European country; how can my child get a visa?

What happens at the airport when arriving and departing?

What happens if my child is unwell or injured?

What happens if we have to cancel the booking?

What happens on the departure day?

What happens to the pocket money when my child arrives?

What happens when my child arrives at the school?

What is Homestay Accommodation?

What is the accommodation like for students aged 18 or over?

What is the food like?

What is the minimum length of stay for the Chichester College Summer School?

Who will take care of my child during their study?

Who will teach and lead my child's studies?

Will my child be allowed to leave the school to visit relatives nearby?

Summer School Events

Bowling 26th June
Bowling 26th June
Harry Potter Studio 29th July
Harry Potter Studio 29th July
Arundel Castle 3rd July
Arundel Castle 3rd July
Oxford City 6th July
Oxford City 6th July
Watersports 10th July
Watersports 10th July
London Museum 13th July
London Museum 13th July
Paintball 17th July
Paintball 17th July
Brighton 20th July
Brighton 20th July
West Wittering Beach 24th July
West Wittering Beach 24th July
Windsor Castle 27th July
Windsor Castle 27th July
Portsmouth 31st July
Portsmouth 31st July
Bath City Trip 3rd August
Bath City Trip 3rd August
Go-Carting 7th August
Go-Carting 7th August

Need to Talk?

Questions, Enquiries, or Request More Information.

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