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Our New Partnership with NCFE

Chichester College Group International recently announced our strategic partnership with NCFE- a leading awarding body and qualifications assessment educational charity.

We combine CCG's reputation for excellence in delivering vocational and employability skills with NCFE's rigour for quality assessment. Together, we can offer our academic partners around the world quality, scalable learning solutions to help improve the economic capabilities of the communities our partners serve.

Getting to know NCFE

Philip Le Feuvre, Chief Strategy Officer NCFEOurs is a partnership driven by shared values and our desire to change lives through learning. By working together, we feel that we can better serve our customers. CCG can shape learning solutions and provide lesson plans and academic delivery capabilities. NCFE can quality assure and deliver the assessment rigour so that our shared clients can confidently deliver recognised qualifications to learner beneficiaries. We think we can provide a neat solution to future-proofing emerging transformative skills solutions through deep collaboration.

Read more about the benefits of the CCG partnership with NCFE.

We thought it might be fun to interview NCFE's Chief Strategy officer Philip Le Feuvre- by way of getting to know NCFE better.

Interview with Philip Le Feuvre – Chief Strategy Officer at NCFE:

Q1: Can you please introduce NCFE to our partners around the world?

NCFE is an educational charity, an Awarding Organisation, and a vocational and technical learning leader. Our qualifications are used by over 400,000 learners annually. We combine over 170 years of education experience with innovative approaches to develop world-class capabilities and content, new assessment methodologies, technology solutions and more. We aim to promote and advance learning, helping create a fairer and more inclusive education system for all learners.

Q2: Name 2- 3 reasons why a partnership with CCG is good.

Working in partnership, NCFE and CCG provide broad, scalable, and sustainable educational services across the learning journey.
Coupling CCG's hands-on teaching experience across a broad range of disciplines with NCFE's leading reputation as a forward-thinking awarding body and assessment provider, we can share best practices and co-design innovative, sustainable solutions for institutions and government.
As a charity with a social purpose, we have much in common with CCG, including our goals and culture.

Q3: How has the pandemic impacted the examination ecosystem? Is the outlook positive?

The pandemic has taught us that we need a future-proofed education and assessment system to withstand seismic shifts. We were delighted to see hundreds of thousands of learners achieve this year and receive the results they need to progress to the next stage in their lives – educators across the sector have shown resilience, ingenuity, and passion for making this happen.

We feel it's time to take that assessment and awarding adaptations from this year and collaborate to build a truly robust system that can handle whatever unforeseen shocks come our way. We need to strike the right balance to find the best delivery model for teaching, learning and assessment, looking at a blended approach that is agile and adaptable enough to cope with considerable scale turbulence. We address this through our Assessment Innovation work and by exploring digitised qualification design.

Q4. Random Question - If you could bring something extinct (thing or person) back to life, what would you choose and why?

Person: I am a huge fan of Otis Redding, and it always amazes me that he produced such wonderful music before he died at 26. I'd love to bring him back to see what more he could do.

Thing: I realise the wish above is a little selfish; my less selfish desire would be for much of the world's rainforest to be restored to pre-1950 levels. Replenishing the world's forests would bring back many species that have become near-extinct and might also give us a fighting chance at averting extinction ourselves!

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